Key Personnel and Roles

Director and Principal Investigator

Tania Bardyn, MLIS, AHIP 206-685-3299 Ms. Bardyn directs the planning and budget of the RRAIN Washington project and advises on planning and execution of the award and directs the work of the project development coordinator.

Project Development Coordinator

Adam Garrett 206-616-4142 Mr. Garrett provides strategic leadership and day-to-day management for the RRAIN Washington project, leads the development of the website and mobile app, and contributes to project publicity. He also coordinates technical arrangements for training events and supports maintenance and operation of the RRAIN Washington website.

Training Coordinator

Currently Vacant The lead instructor and coordinator of training events; oversees the creation of materials for training and promotion and coordinates the activities of trainers at all sites.

IT Specialist

Kerry Kirk, MSCIT 206-221-3414 Ms. Kirk is the head web developer for the RRAIN website, and provides invaluable technical support for the whole RRAIN team.